Thursday, 2 August 2012

Easy fish pie

This is a quick and easy version of fish pie which is also a lighter version than a traditional fish pie can be. We had a mass of potatoes from our vegetable patch which we had dug up that afternoon. They just needed a good wash to get rid of the dirt, partly out of laziness we leave the skins on our potatoes when we make mash, but it is also where a lot of the goodness is. Sorry for the lack of exact measurements, if you make it yourself, use your appetite to guide you as to the size of your pie!

Easy fish pie (served 2 adults, 1 toddler)
1 small pack frozen fish pie mix
1/2 tub crème fraiche
2 tbsp frozen peas
New potatoes
  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. In a microwave dish place the fish, cover with cling film, pierce and cook in the microwave according to the packet instructions.
  2. Meanwhile, chop the potatoes into small pieces and place in a saucepan. Cover with boiling water and cook for about 10-15 minutes until they are soft. When cooked, drain and mash with a generous splosh of milk and knob of butter. You don't want the mash to be too runny, it should be easy to stir.
  3. In another dish, cook the peas for 5 minutes. Drain.
  4. Once the fish is cooked add the crème fraiche, peas and season well. Stir until everything is well mixed but take care not to break up the fish too much.
  5. Place the mix in an oven dish (if different from the microwave dish for the fish). Spoon over the mashed potato starting at the outside, filling in the middle last. Spread evenly and use a fork to fluff up the potato.
  6. Cook in the oven for a least 20 minutes, you could grill if you have one. The aim here is to get the potato to brown as well as finishing the cooking process.