We have had a recent addition to the family and due to work commitments, I wasn't able to visit him with my husband. Rather than go out and buy a present from the high street I decided to make something using the materials already in my house. It was also a good opportunity to get my sewing machine out as it's been a bit neglected for a while whilst I've been busy with work. I remembered having seen taggies when my son was a baby so had a vague idea in my head about what I wanted to create. One thing that I wanted to do was to make sure that there was a range of textures and colours so that curious little hands would have lots to explore. I also knew that I wanted it to be as secure as possible as curious little hands and mouths can be strong.
It was a great opportunity to raid my ever growing collection of materials and I had a good selection of fleece fabric, colourful prints (which were samples I had got when I was looking for my sons curtain material) and ribbons from all kinds of places. Measurements aren't necessarily set in stone because being honest, I didn't measure mine that accurately and I've already given it to the recipient. I don't think it matters too much as it could depend on the fabric you have available or the final size that you want to make it. You need a selection of fabrics, bright colours or soft fleece is a good idea. Two buttons of a similar size, a selection of ribbons, needle, thread.
Homemade taggie
- Cut 8 squares of fabric so that they are equal in size. Mine were about 15cm so that I could incorporate the pattern on the fabric. Remember to leave a seam allowance of about 1cm (add this to your measurement so that you get the final size).
- Lay them out, right side up, to get the pieces in the order you want. Pin two pieces rights sides together and pin. Sew together (you could hand sew but it might not be as secure as using a machine). Repeat again with the remaining three pairs of fabric.
- Pin, right side together, two of the sewn pairs. Repeat with the remaining strips of fabric. You should now have your two squares. Normally, with patchwork you need to press the seams as you go along, but as I used fleece fabric, I didn't press.
- Lay the first piece of patchwork on a table with the right side facing up. Collect together a selection of ribbons, choose study ribbons in a range of colours. I was lucky enough to have a range of ribbons in different textures, colours and sizes. Cut them into strips ranging from 8cm to 10cm long. Arrange them around the edges until you are happy with the layout. Leave a gap on one side minimum 5cm long so that you can turn the taggie inside out.
- Fold the ribbons, the folded side should be on the fabric with the ends sticking over the edge of the fabric. Carefully lay the second piece of patchwork fabric with the right side facing down. I pinned each ribbon in place carefully before I used a contrasting colour thread to tack the ribbons in place.
- Now using a sewing machine, sew together the layers of fabric. Remember that you need to leave a gap of minimum 5cm which isn't sewn.
- Carefully trim off any excess ribbon and fabric, including trimming the corners. Turn the taggie inside out, carefully pushing out the corners. Fold the raw edges in and pin the opening closed. Sew the hole closed using a similar colour thread and a slip stitch.
- Pin together the taggie so that it doesn't move. Sew around the edge of the taggie, about 5mm in, securing the ribbons again.
- I found two similar sized buttons to place on either side and used a contrasting embroidery thread to secure the buttons.
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