I'd always read people's recipes for homemade fish fingers with suspicion. For some reason I was convinced that it would be complicated or beyond my capabilities. However, in my quest to try out new things and to use up what is in my cupboards, I decided that the day had come when I would try to make my own version of fish fingers. Knowing that my little man would be in nursery for the day so that I could get on with some school work during half term, I knew that it wouldn't be beyond to try making my own fish fingers. I surprised myself at how easy it was, and whilst I may adapt it in the future or it may turn out differently the next time I make it, it was a good dinner that I'm happy to share. I cooked some homemade potato wedges, carrots and spinach to go with our fish. I mixed and matched the fish to try and keep the costs down, I was really surprised at the cost of fresh fish in the supermarket and next time I decide to make this, I plan on looking in the frozen aisle to see if there are any cheaper options.
Homemade fish fingers (fed 2 adults and 1 toddler)
1 fillet haddock
1 salmon fillet
1 egg
2 tbsp plain flour
3 tbsp polenta
1/4 tsp smoked paprika
Salt and pepper
- Preheat the oven to 180C. Slice the fish up into thick slices about 1 to 2 cm across.
- You need 3 separate dishes with raised sides. In one dish, break the egg and whisk it together well. In another place the flour. In the third place the polenta, paprika and salt and pepper . Keep the flour and polenta close to hand in case you need to add more whilst coating the fish. (I kept my husband nearby with clean hands to help out too!)
- Coat each piece of fish well, first in the flour, then the egg and finally the polenta mix. Place on a lightly oiled baking tray and bake for 20 minutes maximum. Check the fish as it could take slightly less or more time depending on how your oven works.
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